Damn them all;
damn the fire in their eyes, and the guns in their hands,
damn their rocket launching, bomb dropping, baby killing,
and shameless propaganda.
Damn their refusal to put down hate, extinguish
anger, and discard this hell.
anger, and discard this hell.
Like puppets in a tragic theatre, they play their roles
to the utmost and without fail
over and over and over.
And damn, over again.
And damn, over again.
Self-righteousness spewing from their mouths in torrents,
their fingers always pointing away.
Seizing land not theirs, killing brothers not theirs,
demolishing houses not theirs,
sending children not theirs to explode in crowded markets.
Why, bellows the shaken earth; why, echo the missile-torn
Stop, begs the mother.
March on! command the generals.
Damn them all!
I turn to flee the burning soil, leave behind the rumbling
Damn the hopelessness and blindness, the waste and the
I yell as I run.
Damn all these …
The mother’s pleading eyes slow my steps.
I halt.
I cannot.
Damn, but I cannot.
This smouldering earth is my earth too.
Rinat, indeed. Thank you for such an accurate text, "Their fingers always pointing away". You can add - their eyes never dare to meet their faces reflected in the mirror.